Buying a car in the UK




I am currently a mature student studying to be a Primary School Teacher in Manchester. My course finishes here at the end of June 2008 and probably will return home at some point in the summer. From what I have seen on the UK autotrader websites cars seem to be better value over here compared to home. Has anybody bought a car in the UK and brought it back to Ireland. What are the custom regulations? How long do I need to keep the car in the UK before I am exempt from paying VRT when I bring the car back to Ireland. If anybody has experience in this area....could they give me some advice.. Am thinking of getting an Audi or a Passat...something with a good sized booth for sports.

Thank You
If you do a search there are plenty of threads on this - some quite recently I think.
Cars with a 2.0 engine attract a 30% hit on VRT

for best value buy a 2 to 3 litre diesel car. 1/3 duscount straight away plus a good diesel will sell here no problem.

As was mentioned plenty more threads on cars from uk.
In order to bring the car without paying VRT you must have owned the car for six months. I think however that the regulations specifically exclude students from the exemption.
You need to be working and paying tax, have services in your name etc and have proof of all that too.

The guys in revenue won't like it, but there's nothing they can do if you're in the right.

You can't sell the car for (I think) 2 years if you import it exempt from VRT.
I doubt it.

You can only bring one car, but if you yoyo across the Irish sea at 2 to 3 year intervals I am sure you could do it again.
It was my understanding from my reseacrh that you are correct

See above.....I believe that you may be incorrect.

Actually I am wrong - according to Revenue rules you can qualify for relief from VRT once every five years - [broken link removed]
As mentioned previously, time spent abroad (mainly/solely?) for the purpose of study doesn't count as being non-resident in Ireland for VRT exemption purposes. You'd need to be able to prove that you were working while abroad. A part time job might be enough if you got enough paperwork to prove earnings. Also you'll need proof of address there and utility bills etc. This could be tricky if you're living on campus accomodation.