Buying a car imported from Japan


Registered User
I looked online to buy a Ford Fiesta 2 nd hand.I choose one to discover that it is a Japanese import.I have got documentation from the dealer but it is all in Japanese> How can I check the history of the car? What is their equivalent NCT? The mileage seems low for a 6 year old car?
Japanese cars are making a comeback due to costs of importing cars from GB post-Brexit. Cars from Japan are generally well spec'd, petrol, which is taxed lower these days, & automatic, an increasingly popular choice. Japanese average mileage (kilometrage?) is approx 9k p.a. which may explain the figure for the car you're looking at.

Certainly back in the old days, it was near impossible for your average Joe to find out the history, the price generally reflected that, perhaps things have improved since.

The other side of things is that it certainly used to be harder to secure insurance on Japanese imports, again the situation may have improved, but worth checking out before taking the plunge.

Good luck with your decision.
Also on the documentation, I was amazed at how well google translate app was able to translate Chinese using the camera. Just holding up the camera to a set of instructions made a great hand at on the fly translation.
Cartell use 3rd party Car VX to get a history.

Or directly:

Double check the insurance situation - if the car doesn't have an exact European equivalent you might get some ridiculous quotes for it.