Buy used car now or in new year?




I am considering buying a used car (2004) as have seen the one I was thinking of for a very reasonable price but I am wondering if I should wait until the new year to buy a used car and if there are any advantages to waiting. Do used car prices drop immediately in January because the car is another year older?

That makes three men in a boat/car!
Am waiting for forecourts to become logjammed with second ones in Jan.
Prices for 3 year olds seem to be about 65% of new price.Too Much.
will go for new if can`t get one for 50 - 55%.
If you search AAM, you'll find much of what you're asking here has already been answered already in the recent weeks.
If you can keep your powder dry for a few more months until the SSIA money starts to flow, people might pay you to take away their 2 year old car........
Three years ago I changed the car in the week before christmas. I got a good deal and the reason I believe is that the garage's figures for December are normally low as new cars bought in December have to be registered with that years plates.
Most punters are holding off for January for new car sales. Although they may have a deal done before christmas the actual sale happens in January.
Garages will also have a influx of second hand cars in the new year and will try and clear the forecourt as much as possible before the punter trades his old car in for a new model.
I also believe that because it can be year end, a lot of sale guy's might do a better deal to get their sales figures up for their bonus/commission.

That was my logic and it seemed to work.
I am not so sure that the SSIA factor will be critical to prices in 2006 as if I recall most of the SSIA activity related to year 2 of the scheme.

I would hold off buying a car until 2006 in any event.

I had the same experience as paul24, a couple of years ago. Bought a two-year-old model about to become a three-year-old. I told the dealer I could write him a cheque there and then (19th December — I still remember it! ) but I wanted €X off the price and an extended warranty on the engine and gearbox — added up to about a 10% discount.
I looked at a car in Dec and came back in Jan and the same car ( 3 year old) was still sitting there with a 10% reduced price.

However, I was only tyre kicking in Dec, so I didn;t push to see how far they
would go. If car sales are low in Dec, it might be the time to negotiate.