Buy Out Bond + PRSA Q - Fund value Increased by 120% - Transfer to Cash?


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I have a Buy out bond that is invested primarily in equities (67%) and corporate bonds.
In the past 9 years it has increased in value by 120% in the past year it has increased by 20%
I have a PRSA pension that I contribute to too - it is also invested in equities + corporate bonds

I am considering a fund transfer of my B.o.B. to cash - I would be happy to take some devaluation if there is a rise in inflation over the prospect of a stock market fall and higher devaluation..
I know little enough about markets ect but because I have dual situation (B.o.B. + PRSA) vested in the same area's in a time of historically high stock market valuations afaik or can tell & the B.o.B. is no longer buying stock as such - no more contributions.. - I believe my thinking to be logical..

Appreciate any opinions...

I wouldn’t derisk it; I’d leave it as is.

With 67% equities, it shouldn’t be as volatile as a 100% equity portfolio.

And trying to time/call markets is futile.
I assume you mean “global equities” when you say equities?

Just to double-check that you’re not in some dead-end European or UK fund.

I started a strategy quite a long time ago; I never check my pension fund. It’s worth trying it.
Ya - That was my strategy too! including not having one at all for a while..

"global equities" - I don't know but I presume so, Amazon, Facebook Apple, Google in top 10 making up 14% it a Standard Life Managed Fund, US Equity 34%, Euro Equity 16%, +UK,Jap,Emerging Market...
For this poster I think the salient issue is to save as much as you can into the PRSA.

This isn’t an asset allocation issue in this case it’s an under funded pension issue.

As a rule of thumb you would be saving a percentage of your income which is half your age.

The op should be paying the absolute maximum possible in pension contributions while they are still working.