Posted here a while ago about having offer accepted on a house, the signing on which has been delayed due to planning etc. I thought we had got it at a good price back in Nov but come early April when the deal will close, it might not look like such good value. Now thinking we'd be better off waiting another year to buy, even if it means renting for a year at a cost of around 11k pa. It would be considerable hassle moving house again with 2 small kids (house we are in is going up for sale), but the upside is that we might get closer to our dream house than the one we have offer in on, for the same money or less if the downward trend continues. Our savings currently earn 6k or so interest per annum on deposit. I really want to avoid a situation where next Jan we are sitting in a house (little smaller than we'd like) looking out to a garden (very much smaller than we'd like), then seeing the house we really wanted but thought we couldn't afford suddenly become affordable.