One thing for sure - according to a recent survey about 70% of those renting want to buy and most of these claim that if the banks were a bit easier on loans they'd buy very soon.
Many have some saving , have jobs -all they need is the loan approval.
This suggests there is a pent-up demand to buy. And don't forget - we have a large young population- not all of them emigrating and many of them wanting their home.
Also the lack of building of new homes, especially in sought-after areas (e.g.. not the middle of Leitrim)could mean more demand than supply.
Property in Ireland is now comparable in price to many states in europe -no longer a dear country to buy a home.
O.K. - i admit I've given the optimistic view. But if things turn really bad in the wrold economy ,or the Eurozone,whatver , then we're in trouble no matter what we do with our money.. buy the house now - at half what you would have paid five years ago,lucky person !