Buy an EV and watch the cost of washing your clothes soar

Don't know what a heat pump dryer is . Unlikely I'll have a car crash this evening but I'm putting my seat belt on as usual.
But you're still going to drive.

I don't think it was the temperature, more electrical faults or motors overheating. If they're such a risk, I'd imagine timers wouldn't be allowed on them.
Yes will still drive as no choice unless I sit at home with no income. But there is a very simple choice whether to leave a tumble dryer running while your family is sleeping.
All depends on what works best for you, we have an ev and a hp, I use a d/n rate 12c at night and double during the day, all car charging is at 12c and I push a lot of hp kws to night as well.

Regardless 34c for a day unit doesn't sound appealing!
Wait, who offers 24c/12c D/N?!