buy 2nd hand now or in January?


Registered User
Looking to buy a 08 or more recent 7 seater.

Had thought that could get good value with good bargaining power just before Xmas. Now wondering whether it's better to hang on and buy in January when the cars are 'a year older; - imagine that I have to bargain less as the prices should go lower in January - or is this right?
Depending on the dealer, you may find you can strike a better deal now, while their sales figures for November/December are on the floor because everyone is holding off until the new year.

Particularly if it's a straight cash sale with no trade-in, most car salesmen will take your arm off if you make a reasonable offer on a car type that doesn't tend to sell as easily as a 1-1.3 litre four-door. Come January they'll be cushioned to some extent by new sales and won't be quite so "hungry".
Thanks very much Dr.M.

That makes a lot of sense reasoned that way.
Ok, will put in the effort to snap one up.

Tks again.
The wife did a spur of the moment trade-in last week and got a 2 year old car. It was the model etc that she wanted so she got it now rather than go on the hunt next summer.

January is busiest car sales month, salespeople are not under pressure to meet targets, in quieter months you can bargain them down more.

In January there is lots of choice but you may not get as much for your trade-in vehicle.