Business Podcasts/radio stations?


Peter McC

Any suggestions for a couple of websites that publishes daily business podcasts (Irish and World business news would be great)? Also on-line radio stations doing the same thing regularly.

I want to subscribe to feeds and listen when I can during the day.

the bbc world service has a good world busines review, updated weekly at 4am on a saturday.
By far and away, the best thing to hit the internet is the economist magazines spoken edition. It is the entire magazine read by newsreaders, that is downloadable as a podcast. It can be accessed for free if you are a print or an online subscriber.
I'd also recommend the BBC daily "Wake up to money" podcast, only 30 minutes or so in length but always very topical and accessible. If you have iTunes, its easy to find and subscribe to the BBC, RTE and TodayFM business show podcasts (you won't need an iPod to listen, you can manually transfer the downloaded files to any MP3 player or just listen from the PC).

I use to subscribe to blogs, podcasts etc.

I listen to RTE's 'The Business' and TodayFM's 'Sunday Business Show'. Only problem with the Sunday Business Show is that they take ages (sometimes weeks!) to upload their podcast which is just silly.

BBC and Economist sounds promising, thanks again.
Agreed about the Sunday Business Show, it can be very long time between updates :-(
Govinda, I know it's a shame.

Here's another excellent business related set of podcasts:

There's also videocast on the site at

This is not a day-to-day business podcast; rather it's a collection. I whole heartily recommend them to anyone who is self employed or in a management position. Besides being insightful they are also entertaining at times.