Business Plus and Individualisation


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I saw a nice piece by the Editor in Business Plus magazine for April about tax individualisation. It drew my attention to a really good article by the Iona Institute (David Quinn is not normally my cup of tea but on this issue ..) that was written by some barrister. (

I'm glad this has become an election issue. Personally, this is a policy that affects me - i work part time but I don't earn 25k and therefore individualisation penalises myself and my husband. If i didn't work at all we would have one income less into the house, AND i would have to pay childcare costs at 140 Euro per week for each of my three kids, AND the Government would tax my husband more!!!!!!!! how ridiculous is that??

We are one of those families that would get hit for the full 6,240 EURO maximum penalty for individualisation if I stopped working completely. I'm not boasting (is this spelt right?) or anything, I mean its good that my husband is earning more than 68k but its such a disgrace, there are lots of people who are affected by this - people who can't mind their own kids because of Charlie McCreevey and FF and the PD's

Let me give you another example

If I mind my own kids in my own home full time - the Government penalises myself and my husband (120 Euro per week tax penalty)

If I mind somebody elses kids in my own home - the Government supports me

If I send my kids to someone elses home - i pay 140 Euro per week per child in childcare ..

has this country gone NUTS!!!!!!

well done Fine Gael (and Labour) !!!!!!!!!!!!!I voted Fianna Fail the last time, but NOT THIS TIME!!!!!
If i didn't work at all we would have one income less into the house, AND i would have to pay childcare costs at 140 Euro per week for each of my three kids,

I don't understand this at all- why would you be paying childcare if you weren't working? Most people who don't work outside the home mind their children themselves, don't they?