Business energy supply


Registered User

I am looking at our supplier of energy at the moment and comparisions on cost show little difference between the different providers, so, if I was to look beyond price and look at service and environmental issues, my questions is, from a green perspective would Airtricity be the provider to opt for?

By opting for them am I really benefitting the environment? I know I still get my supply from the ESB grid so cannot be guaranteed a green supply of electricity from wind farms but does it mean that if I opt for Airtricity, I am helping with the development of green energy for the future.

I find the whole airtricity idea confusing. I thought they supplied 100% green electricity but the fellow calling at the door the other night told me that because they have so many new customers, they only supply 78% green energy to the grid. Where does the rest of it come from?

Thank you.
NOT getting at Airtricity,BGE ESB and large numbers of private concerns have Renewables but have a read of this. Whether government or consumers realize it Windmills aint cheap and in the present climate I personally feel are a drag on the economy

Worth The Candle?​
The Economic Impact of Renewable Energy Policy​
in Scotland and the UK

The report’s key finding is that
[FONT=Arial,Bold][FONT=Arial,Bold]for every job created in the UK in renewable
energy, 3.7 jobs are lost. In Scotland there is no net benefit from government
[/FONT][broken link removed]

This is the closest Irish equivalent

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