Business Demography


Registered User
I am not sure that I am posting this in the correct forum. Please move if necessary.

I came across this statistical release from the CSO dated June 18, 2014.

It shows a breakdown of business demography in Ireland from 2008 through 2012.

Some interesting statistics for 2012 …

· 90.70% of enterprises employed 10 or less people or 26.52% of the employed population

· 0.26% of enterprises employed 250 or more employees or 32.04% of the employed population.

Another interesting statistic is that of the 13,461 enterprises commenced in 2007, only 6,513 or 48.4% survived to 2012.

We appear to be a nation of very small businesses that tend to remain small.

I wonder whether that is part of our employment/economic problem.