Buses to and from Hillcrest, Lucan

It is 10-15 minutes walk from the village to Hillcrest, if you live Superquinn end get off at the Roma, if you live Tesco end get off at the Ball Alley. I lived in the middle for years and it was 10-15 mins from either stop. A much better option than getting the 25A through all the estates. As far as I know Mortons is more expensive than Dublin Bus and it probably still services many of the estates.

Tarquin, I have just noticed your other post - http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=18895 - mods this maybe should be one post?

Anyway I lived there until recently and it is a decent estate to live in, probably one of the best in Lucan. It is very quiet and most of the houses on the street I grew up on are still owned by the original owners. It is close to shops, schools, buses and the village. Some of the newer estates in Lucan have a 20 min walk to a bus stop or a shop. I wouldn't get a 25A to Lucan ever, it is much quicker to get a 66/67 and walk from there.

The traffic is always desperate, sometimes it can be hard to get out of Hillcrest...
Hi Tarquin: Yeah the 25A leaves from Superquinn which is near the dual carriageway AND a bus lane, tours back through all the new estates in Lucan, fights traffic on the bridge at Woodies to join the bus lane into town. Many of the 25X's do the same thing I think except maybe one or two in the morning which join the dual-carriageway at the Newcastle Road junction. The trip through the new estates sometimes takes 30 minutes. It's probably called modern traffic management by DublinBus. :( Wouldn't it be better if the bus terminus was Woodies, the buses then trek AGAINST traffic to Superquinn and join the dual carriageway at the Newcastle Road junction and whizz in the bus lane to town. And in the evening they could come all the way (in a bus lane) to Superquinn and trek back through the estates to Woodies AGAINST traffic. Sorry that's my rant over!!!

Morton's Circle line does the trip: www.circlelinebus.com startingfrom Superquinn. I don't know anybody that uses it but anytime I pass the buses and bus stops they seem to be busy.

The 66's from Maynooth and 67's from Celbridge serve the village which is a mile away. The 25 from Dodsboro might be a option for you. I think that it does not do the new estate route.

And when Adamstown train station comes on board you will have a mile trek to the station.......And I wonder why I pull my hair out!

Evening-time I'm not sure if the X's go through the new estates or not. Perhaps some else less passionate about this might know.
I used to use mortons and the fare is €2 so not much more than dub bus. The bus is much faster and much more comfortable.
Lucan is a nightmare at peak times though traffic wise one way or another you are going to be sitting for a while!