Bus stops on O'Connell Street


Registered User
Does anyone else who only takes the bus on occasion get lost on O'Connell Street looking for the correct bus stop ? I normally get the train, but on on occasion I need to do something in the centre of town (that would be Dublin) and get the bus. Getting there is no problem, but getting back is a pain.

It used to be simple - the bus stops were grouped in such a way that routes serving nearby areas were together, but then for Luas & the regeneration project they started moving them around and ever since then I cannot find my bus stop any more. There is one nearby (on D'Olier Street) which I know some of my buses stop at, but not all of them. What seems to happen most of the time now is that by the time I walk to D'Olier Street the bus that stops there has already zoomed by and while I wait for the next one a load of other buses pass which I could have taken if I had stayed on O'Connell Street and found the correct stop.

But to get to the point . . . . I think BAC/Dublin Co. Co./DTO/DTI/DT(x)/Luas and every other transport provider should stump up and provide a sign (the junction of Abbety Street & O'Connell Street would be good because of all the interchanges there) which clearly shows the location of the nearest bus stops for the millions of routes which go down O'Connell Street. At the moment it is sheer guess work - and I live in Dublin. It must be pretty bemusing for tourists off the train or the aircoach. They might know their bus stop is on O'Connell Street, but it's a long road and there are a load of stops.

Something must be done . . .

You're right Zag, something must be done. Stops keep moving and their new positions bear no relation to the convenience of customers. Write to Dublin Bus? I know it's like sending a letter to a black hole, but at least you'll feel better.
I recently wrote to Dublin Bus to complain about a particular bus driver who shouted at the passengers in the line of 'could you f**kers f**ing move up the bus'

I was very surprised to firstly get a letter apologising and stating the bus driver was being sent on a customer friendliness course, and then some weeks later a handwritten letter from the bus driver apologising for his words and hoping to see me on the 122 again!!!

On the original topic, yes I agree. O'Connell St is littered with bus-stops, none of which appear to be signposted in any meaningful way. It's also completely random as to where buses stop on their way into town (southbound) on O Connell St. Sometimes it's outside the gresham, somtimes clerys
This is true . My way of dealing with uncertaintly of bus stop locations is pop into the Dublin Bus Offices on the Henry Street side of O'Connell Street. Thats where I ve always gone. Its a lot harder for them to move their offices ;-)
They have a knowledgeable customer service desk right inside the door. Much more efficient than walking the length of O Connell Street and Westmoreland Street in search of a bus stop.
One of the problems with the bus services in Ireland is that many bus stops don't seem to have a specific name.

They all do in Paris, Berlin, etc.
Yes, it does seem that the Customer service deptartment is finally responding to passengers, here's relevant part of their reply and philopsophical as well. Nice!

"....the bus stops are now finalised but like everything else in this life you just don't know what's around the corner. We still don't know what exactly will be the outcome for our services when the work on the LUAS begins. But it will probably mean more stops being moved

The situation with bus stops at Clerys is that we were advised by DCC
that we could not have any bus stops in this area, now known as the GPO
plaza so we had no option but to spread the stops out"....