Bus stop blocking driveway


Registered User

My family is trying to see a house at the moment (executor sale). There is an offer in on the house and the contracts are about ready to be signed.

However, there is a bus stop in front of the house. Up until approx. 2 weeks ago the kerb was low enough so that you could build a driveway if the bus stop was moved without needing to lower the kerbs. However, since then, Dublin Bus have had the kerb raised in order to facilitate wheelchair access. No notice of these works were given. The person who has the offer in on the house is threatening to withdraw the offer unless this is sorted out.

We have been onto Dublin Bus, who were very vague, and said that a garda sargent would need to ensure that the bus stop was moved to a save location. We have been onto the council who say they won't lower the kerb until the bus stop is moved. All in all, it sounds like no-one wants to do anything, leaving a sale fall through.

1. Are we entitled to have the bus stop moved?
2. What is the correct process for the above?
3. How long does it take?

So the reality is that the bus-stop is not blocking a drive-way as there is no drive-way. I'm sure this fact was taken into consideration by Dublin Bus and the council when modification of the kerb was discussed.
There is no driveway at the moment, but Dublin Bus/council have made it a lot harder to put one in. All of the neighbouring houses have a driveway.

Anyway, the work has been done, despite no notice. I'm just wondering about the procedure for getting it moved.
hi plant 43 just wondering if you ever got anywhere with the house ?

i ended up pulling out of the one i had a deposit on
