Bus Routes to Cityside



what is the best way to get from cityside in finglas to town on public transport. also is cityside in Finglas or Poppintree?
Come out of Cityside and walk right then left and a few yards down on the left is the terminus for the 83. Leaves you in the city centre.
Come out of cityside and walk left and then take a right at the roundabout and the 19/A stop is just a few yards down Jamestown rd.
You've to walk down as far as the village to get the 40 bus.

My friend who lives there reckons its the address is Meakstown, St.Margarets, Dublin 11

The HOK website reckons its Meakstown, Off Jamestown Road, Dublin 11.

More Finglas in my opinion.
redbhoy said:
You've to walk down as far as the village to get the 40 bus.

Last Thursday got the 40b from the same place as the 19/a. Presumed it was the same.
My mistake! Forgot about the 40b. Im not sure its that regular though. Is that the same bus that goes up by the back of the airport and onto Rivermede estate up past St.Margarets?
Dublin Industrial Estate is Glasnevin, Dublin 11.
Snobbery is causing Finglas to shrink as the years go by.
Snobbery and dodgy developers who have councils in their pockets. This was discussed on another thread somewhere else.