Bus Eireann...

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Anne Marie

Registered User
I often use Bus Eireann, long distance travel, and the service/coaches are fine, the Drivers are great. But...I sometimes want to scream....when the Bus is packed...and selfish, ignorant, bad-mannered people refuse to remove themselves/their bags/feet/lap-tops/dogs/etc/etc...from the seat besuide them....to let other passengers sit down. I have developed a hard-skin...towards this...and I have NO problem using an assertive tone of voice to request..."sorry...please...move xxx...I want to sit down here"!! Usually it is met with a resigned, bothered sigh, other times I have met with hostility, then I show my FULLY PAID TICKET and say..."eh...I've paid for my ONE seat.....and how many seats have you paid for"???

I have seen old ladies, and worse, stand for an hour or more, on this long, dreary, bone-shaking journey, because ignorant people, of ALL ages, refuse to remove their belongings, or their own smelly body parts, from seats, which they HAVE NOT PAID FOR, to allow others sit down. NEVER ONCE...has the Bus Eireann driver, EVER, asked people to fxxzzzg move over, and use only the seat they have paid for. No!!!
Drivers will allow people dangerously,.. to stand, to sit in aisles, sit on steps, hang from the rafters, rather than dis-combobbble the gang of double-seat grabbing, Welfare, freebie-Travel knackers, on every journey!!! Coz', usually, he knows them!!

I pay...E19 per Return journey, when I don't drive. And..it's HORRENDOUS!!! Truly ghastly. When the Bus is full, I stand. Yet, I've paid dearly for a seat. The other Free-Travel /Welfare knackers...sit comfortably, with 4 seats full of their baggage. And...the Driver...LETS THEM!!!

Can this STOP, and soon, please??
This is a Letting off Steam rant, and you need 50 posts and to be a member for over a month to let off steam, so you'll have to bide your time.

As I also say in this thread, please don't SHOUT so much.

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