Bus Eireann provincial bus drivers


Registered User
In the recent past I have noticed more and more Bus Eireann drivers driving at excessive speeds on the route between Limerick city and Cork city.
There is no way they drive within the legal speed limits.
What is the position if they are caught speeding, do the drivers themsleves get penalty points?
Or are they ever stopped?
Just this morning I was behind a Bus Eireann bus which was driving at close to 110KPH.

These bus drivers seem to be allowed to drive as they please.

Last year my husband and I had occasion to report one of these drivers to the gardai.

He overtook us in a 50kph zone and almost forced us off the road as he had either not seen, or else ignored an oncoming truck.

We followed him to his bus station and asked for his name, he refused to tell us.
We spoke to his boss and told him what had occured and asked for his name and the bus driver's name, he refused to give us either and told us to F*ck off!
We then went to the guards in Limerick and made a written complaint.
Nothing ever happened despite ringing the guards and asking them what the story was.

Are these bus drivers above the law.
As I travel this troad every day and there is a Bus Eireann bus every hour I encounter a lot of these bus drivers and have yet to see one driving within the legal speed limit or showing any consideration for other road users.
I wont travel on the bus for this reason. Last time I went to Dublin I was hanging on for dear life on a very bendy road. Every minute I was expecting the bus to crash. I have no idea what speed they ought to be doing but it was a very uncomfortable journey.
redstar said:
Who are bus eireann insured with ? You could try a complaint to them ?
I recall something about Dublin Bus being 'self-insured', i.e. they have a large bond posted with the Courts to cover any potential liability. Perhaps Bus Eireann are the same.

I did report one of the drivers bia their website for breaking the lights on the M50/N4 roundabout some years back. I got a response that it had been referred to their regional manager.

You could try using their [broken link removed].
You are right they are self insured as are most Govt dept vehicles.
You won't get anywhere with the complaints procedure, nothing will happen. The Gardai have a duty to investigate fully all complaints received. Why won't they do anything?

Does the ombudsman have any jurisdiction over the CIE group?
I was overtaken by a school bus in Donegal before Christmas. I was doing 100kmph on a wide but winding road and said bus went speeding buy. There were no children on board but the driver was on the phone. I wouldn't believe it and called the Gardai with the reg. of the bus, the time and the location. I said I would give a written statement and go to court if necessary…………. Nothing happened.
..sure were'nt the boys in blue too busy rehearsing their stories...
