Burnt passenger door on Car -advice


Registered User
Some fool decided to burn a bag of rubbish beside our car last night and as a result the plastic bumper under the passenger is burnt and melted in spots, not very badly but easily visible. More importantly bits of the paintwork on the door is also burnt. Is there anything we can put on it to stop it rusting immediately? Or should the door just be replaced...
Mort car bodies are galvanised now, so it should not rust unless very badly burnt.
If the fire burnt through the paint and scorched the metal, I would not be surprised to see rust the following morning. Depending on the value of the car will determin what you should do. A new door for the average car will set you or your insurance back by approx E1200 and a Bumper approx again E7-800 fitted. bear in mind if repainted, Rust will appear at some stage.
Is it a case of criminal damage that you should report to the gardai and also claim from your insurance.
Always heard to rub vaseline on car damage to prevent rusting.

Bit off topic but just discovered today that vaseline is a good conductor of electricity and can be rubbed on battery terminals to inhibit corrossion. Sounds unbelieveable but true apparently. Will give it a go over w/e.
Any motor factor will have small bottles of rust protector that you paint on. idealy it should be painted over.
Thanks for the replies. Car is probably only worth 7k or so now and we plan to hold on to it for another while so it probably isnt worth replacing the panel or door. Will try some of the suggestions listed.
much appreciated.