burial in non consecrated ground


Registered User
I wondering can any one help me with an answer to this question

Can a person be buried on their own plot of land eg farmland, orchard etc.

My uncle who has just retired back to Ireland after 45 years in America wants to be buried on his old family farm which he has purchased recently.
He seems to think that its only a matter of letting the council know about his wish but we think there maybe problems with this as its not consecrated ground. He has not practised any kind of religion in years and has no beliefs and can see no good reason that he should not be allowed to be buried where he wishes. I would be very interested in any information about this subject. Weird one is'nt it Thanks
There are problems in relation to the possible contamination of ground water supply that a local authority will have issue with- the issue of whether a piece of ground is consecrated or not is immaterial.
I dont think consecration has anything to do with it, more a planning issue I'd say. Ring the local authority, its definitely a change of user, agricultural to cemetry, also wouldn't there need to be some official record of where the grave was in case he got dug up accidently in the future. I think there are more reasons than religious for having dead bodies in graveyards.
Thanks very much for the replies. I will talk to my uncle about this and get him to talk to someone in the council to get advice about the procedures involved. Thanks again
a few weeks back there was a lady interviewed on the sunday tribune talking about this. Plenty of non-religions people want to do this and she is importing "pods" instead of yer coffin that you are buried in and then subject to planning you can be buried in your own ground. The greenies are also into choosing the type of tree they want planted over this pod thing. It think she was based in Donegal or Sligo somewhere.
hardrock said:
I wondering can any one help me with an answer to this question

Can a person be buried on their own plot of land eg farmland, orchard etc.

Aside from the planning issues mentioned I would think the environmental health officer would have issues with the whole idea too.
Also, in the future (although thats not likely to worry your uncle!), and apart from environmental / planning issues; it might be a bit of a drawback if you have to alert potential buyers to the body at the bottom of the garden. Can't see why people care where they are buried.
There will be no problem once permission is sought from the local council. I know of a recent burial that was done this way.