Bumped out of flight Belfast to Glasgow (but partner not bumped)

I don't think ClickAir is going into Liquidation - I certainly haven't read that recently - there was some talk of them merging with "Vueling" another spanish low cost outfit. As far as I know ClickAir is backed by some companies with pretty deep pockets, including Iberia - so it would surprise me very much if they were going into liquidation in the short term.
That's the problem the bank will not initiate anything unless they have written confirmation like an e-mail to say that the money is to be refunded. I rang clickair today and they said they will send an e-mail but nothing so far. I'll give them until tommorrow and if no e-mail is sent I'll ring again. The phone service is brutal, fair enough English isn't their first language but it's compounded by a very noisey background, after you've been on hold for 10mins. This has been a major disruption to the weekend plans. Flying with Ryanair now, who will get you most of the way !! I really hope these damn air traffic controllers get everything sorted quick smart or that'll be the straw on the camal's back.

Well that's what the bank told us, maybe the bank is wrong ??