Bullying is all too prevalent these days. It can take many forms. But, the vast majority of "victims" seem to take it and let it fizzle out, eventually.
However, abuse of power especially in the workplace can cause upset, worry, depression, ill health etc.
The victim of bullying has various methods of thwarting the bully. The one thing a bully cannot handle is disgrace, publicity, suspension.
I could write a book on the subject and waste much of your time. I will make a suggestion though:- Please record every instance you felt being bullied. Do this furtively. Send emails to your non-work email address detailing the type of bullying, time of instance, witnesses to the occasion etc. And most important record how you felt as a result of the bullying.
Believe me, over time you will accumulate much evidence and you will reach a stage where you can now legitimately bully the bully. Be prepared to go the distance, perhaps even taking legal advice. You will win handsomely.