Building new house - Financial Considerations


Registered User
Not sure exactly what forum to put this into so feel free to move or close it its not suitable for here.
Getting married next year. Fiancee currently owns house of which we both pay half the mortgage.
Her parents are giving us a site in her home town and we intend to build on this.
Obviously since we wont be buying a house FTB issues dont come into it (am I correct in this assumption?)
All we are looking at is the construction costs of the house once the site has been signed into her/our names?
Can someone clarify how mortgages work for building houses. I have heard that the value of the site is taken into account and that the drawdowns are done in "chunks" as opposed to all at once?
Does anyone have any recommendations on the best method they have seen of building? (Get quotes from contractor to look after all the work, manage direct labour yourself, hire a PM etc)
Finally, is there a site out there that gives an appoximation per SQ ft to build a house in Ireland?

Sorry for all the queries, I realise they are varied.
A few questions there, many of which have been answered here before, including recent threads on build costs. Try the search facility, should turn up a few of these.
Thanks Leo,
I'll have another gander through the recent posts in this forum and see if I can get more information.
be careful of planning permission if ye already have a house & don't have a housing need .... i know every county is different & there are ways around that too ... best of luck with it all !!