Building in Meath / Kildare


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Does anybody know how easy / difficult it is to get planning for a house in Meath or Kildare? Are there restrictions that state you need to be from the county or is this only for certain areas (local needs)? If a site is zoned agricultural, is there no chance of getting permission?

My father would be looking to buy in one of these counties, and I would build a house beside him on the land. I read somewhere that Kildare Co Co look favourably if you are looking after a family member. He's elderly, but doesn't need looking after. He needs company more than anything.
Getting planning in Meath is extremely tough. Even if you purchase a site with FPP you have to be of Local Needs. - well so ive been told!

I can't speak for Kildare but with regard to Meath, the short answer is forget it. The fact that you are "an outsider" will not fly with them, and they are regularly refusing people who are born and bred within the county. Read the county develpment plan on which outlines their criteria. Unless you have strong agricultural links e.g. farmer, vet, you haven't a hope unless the land is zoned residential is which case you'll have won the lotto and money is no object!
Anecdotally, I know of a man from Dublin who owned a site in Meath (but lived in Dublin) since 1972 and was recently refused on the basis that he had no links with the area. Try Kildare!

Yep, forget about Meath.

Interestingly,the co manager moved from Carlow to Meath and amazingly enough he managed to get pp for a house in Meath(in the country) on the basis that he built his house in Carlow and wanted the same lifestyle for his family, go figure
Sites are at a premium in Kildare & depending on the area the site is in you really do need to have some link with the area in order to get pp.

At this stage unless you are loaded or have family land - forget it (luckily I am in the later catagory but still need to have fingers crossed waiting for pp decision)

Although if your father bought property with some land.....I think that after a certain portion of time you may be able to - as you say on grounds of looking after him. It would help if you lived there with him until you were going to apply...........its a lot of ifs though.
Just like Meath, in Kildare - forget it. Unless it's family land, and you are strongly associated with the rural area (farmer, vet) you won't get planning. People are coming into Kildare trying every ruse to build ( I want to breed sheep, I have three horses that need to be stabled, I want to be a market gardner) and they are all being thrown out.

Check [broken link removed] - there is an online query facility there. But from looking at your circumstances, and from my experience - I would say, forget it