Building Energy Rating Cert


Registered User
Simple Question: If contracts for the sale of a 2nd hand house are signed in December 2008 and the sale is closed in Jan 2009, is a BER cert required to be provided by the vendor.
Legally, No........but I know there are those that will argue (and I might myself depending on whether I'm acting for purchaser/vendor).

Law Society practice note says one should be provided for " Existing buildings of any class when offered for sale or letting on or after 1 January 2009"

In your case - offered for sale before 1st Jan.

If I was acting for a purchaser, tho, even before contracts were signed, I might look for one on basis closing after Jan 1st.

Us conveyancers want it all!
When was the planning from Maybe it needs a cert prior to Jan. Will the legal profession actively pursue these BERs?
Yes - unfortunately, we'll have to, if acting for vendor. According to the legislation, the obligation is on the vendor to provide the cert, failure = penalty of up to €5,000.00.
Law society guidelines say solicitor may be deemed an "agent" of vendor

From a title deeds perspective, the lack of one will have no effect.
I have been trying to book a date for a BER assessment for the last few months, to no avail.

Currently I have a large period house (not listed) on the market with two cash buyers sniffing about.

The reality is that the courses have only recently been finalised and are now being held as a matter of urgency. The assessors will not however be in a postition to certify a house until the start of January (at the earliest). The reason for this is that the assessors, even if they attended training in November, will not be certified themselves until the new year.

This situation was explained to me by the company designing and holding the training courses. They told me to ring them the first week of January. I will be given a list of contact names in the area then.

My concern is that I would like to pre-book (preferably not one of the many people hoping to suppliment their pensions) and dare I ask the price!! The rating will be low on the scale anyway but I would like some control/guidance on the cost?

If anyone has further information I'd love to know?
In typical Irish fashion, the course and qualification for doing existing dwellings will not now be ready until March/April.

In the meantime, any assessor qualified and registered for new homes can perform the assessment for existing dwellings (I understand they must sign an undertaking that they will sit the exam for existing dwellings at the first opportunity)

We are Chartered Engineers and Energy Assessors, we complete Energy assessments on a nationwide basis on new and existing dwellings. The Certification process is normally completed within 7 days of instruction.

The costs range from €175 for a small apartment to €325 for a 4 Bedroomed Detached (urban). These fees include VAT and the SEI (Sustainable Energy Ireland) €25 registration fee.

John McNamara
Chartered Engineer

As per a previous post, For the purposes of AAM posters could you please clarify the qualifications of your staff members etc as it does not appear on your website, or I am I missing something?.

It is normal practice for an Engineering Consultancy to fully display his/her qualifications so that members of the public can be reassured etc.