building an extension


Registered User
I know there are many threads on similar topics, but has anyone gone down the route of employing an Architect to do plans, planning application and then get an engineer to do the build specifications, help with reviewing tenders and monitoring the build leading to cert of completion/compliance etc.

Have spoken to 2 architects who charge fixed price for plans/planning and then offer to monitor & sign off for a fixed price based on a number of site visits, but worry about building queries regarding engineering issues (RSJ etc.) and whether this is included in cost or an added extra and then there are those firms who quote a % and cover all aspects including the engineering. To a lesser extens its not financially driven but want the route which provides best value for money, extension likely to cost 150-200K so 12% v's 4/5K fixed is a large difference.

Any opinions/options/experiences required. It is a fairly standard extension, garage conversion, build over this, extend at the back at ground & first floor and internal remodeling work. I have already drawn up design/layout but want validation as to using space best, alternative solutions and then to have the documents to give to the builder to price and build to and make sure it is done correctly and to applicable standards.

no comments on the above, anyone have any insight into the questions posed above would be appreciated.
Hi Cloughy, have a search; there are a good few threads here about building, contract v direct labour, costs, etc and you will pick up good info. I'm having a house built at the moment. There are different ways of approaching the build, I went through the planning process myself; the drawings were done by a draughts person. I decided to go with a contract build and after receiving PP, sent sets of plans off to several builders. I selected one after checking references and spec (ie, what's included in the build for the price). Before starting the build I had to select an engineer (required by the bank & builder) to check stages and issue a cert of compliance. If you are happy with your builder (references checked out etc) then they shouldn't need much supervision. Your engineer will check each stage and if you (or your builder) have any doubts at any point then organise an additional visit. If the design is straightforward and the builder is reputable (and the building is bonded with Homebond) you should not need too many (if any) extra visits. If you decide to go the direct labour route you will probably need more help from the engineer to deal with the type of queries you mention. Good luck with it.
Thanks for the pervious response, anybody give some indication as to the costs for an engineer to make site visits, issue certs etc. Also any good recommendations for engineers in south Dublin (6/6W/12/14/16) area or where to look for them apart from the obvios - yellow pages.

Do they quote per visit or % of build or fixed cost ?
Hi Cloughy, my engineer is charging fixed price €1000 + vat approx for 5 stage payment visits (check the build, issue the cert for release of stage payment if mortgage involved), the final cert of compliance will be €350 + vat approx. Any extra visits that I or the builder request will be charged separately. Re recommendation, word of mouth is always good but ring around a few engineers in your area and ask them for a price too, you will soon get a feel for what is the going rate.
Thanks Shoegal, I take it that you are not building in dublin,

anybody got recommendations for good engineers for site visits and prices in south dublin area. Also what type of engineer should I look for - civil / structural both - pardon my ignorance.
An architect will add value to your property. It may be a false economy to get bog standard plan done up if you can stretch your budget to an architect. Have al ook through the latest edition of the RIAI magazine in easons or any home decor mag lately to see what can be achieved.

I'm a chartered structural engineer. The fee for any project usually depends on the size. Smaller jobs will be based on hourly rates and larger jobs will be priced on a % of the construction cost.

It really depends on what you're looking for whether you employ an Architect or Engineer to carry out the work. An Architect will be unable to sign off on the structural elements of the building and therefore will have to employ an engineer to do this on their behalf. If you are looking for several design ideas and want something a bit "designer" then an Architect will be much more in tune with this. Their fees are usually higher for this reason and they will also project manage the job. You can also hire a PM who would also be able to source an Engineer, Contractor, etc.

I have lots of contacts in the industry (Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Project Managers), let me know if you have any other specific queries and I'll try to help you out. I can give you my own details if you require an engineer.