Building an Extension to your house.


Registered User
Hi Folks,

I'm looking to get some advice / direction for people who have already done the following.

I'm looking to build a quite sizeable 1 story extension to my bungalow house i.e. @ 500 / 600 SQ ft so it will require planning premission.

What is the professional I need to get? Is an Architect the person to get i.e. plan out the extension and give options on the best way to use the space etc. Would they also apply for the planning premission for you etc?

Would their drawings then be take by the builder? Did you need to get a Project Manager or someone else to oversee the job or is that overkill??

What about Engineering where do they fit in??

Any advice would be much appericate.

yes an architect or architectural technician will do all this (remember there is a different level of drawing/spec required for tender/construction stage to that required for planning stage)
Did you need to get a Project Manager or someone else to oversee the job or is that overkill??
easier to have a main contractor than a separate PM on a small job, your arch can check contractors work
What about Engineering where do they fit in??
structural issues such as checking foundations and steel beams etc