Building again after 10 years,will I get planning


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We've decided to build again 10 yrs after our first build,house now too small three kids later and want to use more "green" methods of heating house and insulation.
Do you think we will have any problem receiving planning,the new site is in the same area,are there restrictions on building again,we're in the Limerick area.
I presume we will not have to Capital Gains Tax on the sale of our present property.
Set up a pre-planning meeting with limerick Co. Co, see where your site is in relation to the co. development plan, whether its in a high pressure area or not.
You are going to have to satisfy the Co. Co. that to qualify for local needs, you must have a social, functional and HOUSING need in the area. If you already have a house you may not qualify. If you have sold the house and do not plan on mentioning in your application that you ever had a house, MAKE SURE your name has disappeared off the Land Register before your planning application is due to be processed.
If you have sold the house and do not plan on mentioning in your application that you ever had a house, MAKE SURE your name has disappeared off the Land Register before your planning application is due to be processed
Planning on selling the house when we're near completion of the the new house,it will make much more sense .As DACMAN says,its best to set-up a pre-planning meeting with the co-co,would rather keep everything above board.
Thanks guys
MAKE SURE your name has disappeared off the Land Register before your planning application is due to be processed.
If its the Land Registry you are referring to then the name will not "disappear".

nod, as per advice given make a pre-planning enquirey and/or discuss it with the local planner. Ideally you should be talking to someone in the area who is involved in planning applications - architect/engineer/technician.

You could always talk this over with your local councillor. After all it was the councillors who voted for and adopted whatever restrictions there are in the development plan for your county. The councillors are also there to help you with these matters.

One final thing - have you looked to see if Limerick's development plan is available online.
We've decided to build again 10 yrs after our first build,house now too small three kids later and want to use more "green" methods of heating house and insulation.
Our clients often say they want a green house - but rarely carry it out as they are generally not prepared to live with the consequences and cost.
So Building methods are almost always traditional cavity wall as opposed to the use of poroton blocks (more expensive) or "outsulation" (which can be damaged more easily and is expensive).
They are not prepared to put up with the loss of fireplaces and they don't like fully passive design (e.g. use of fully glazed conservatory type space with glass roof to the full length of the south side of the house) and conservative Passive Design (e.g. having the living spaces to the south) is simply standard practice and been going on for centuries.
I would personally be very wary about wood pellet boilers - huge possibilities for supply/demand imbalances, storage problems, high capital costs, new technology etc.
Apologies for the rant - but I'm a bit cynical about the whole thing eco-thing. It seems to me that people like being able to label themselves as "eco-friendly", rather than actually being eco-friendly. (For example, if you wanted to be eco-friendly you shouldn't build a house in the countryside - they are tremendously wasteful of energy and resources).

Do you think we will have any problem receiving planning,the new site is in the same area,are there restrictions on building again,we're in the Limerick area.
You don't give too much information here. I assume that you are planning to build close to the city on a green field site. If so planning restrictions are likely to apply. You probably won't be able to argue that you have a "housing need" as you have a house (it may be possible if your house is currently unsuitable for your circumstances - due to your growing family and if it would be impossible to build an extension). You will have to talk to the local Planner regarding the site - or else talk to an architect.
If my assumptions are correct, it is quite likely to be difficult to obtain Planning.

I presume we will not have to Capital Gains Tax on the sale of our present property.
You shouldn't have to.

Regarding the comments on lying on your Planning Application regarding your house ownership - I wouldn't recommend it.