Building a front wall


Registered User
Hoping to build a wall up at the front of our house. We are the end house in an estate (cul de sac). Wall is currently 2 foot high.Have a few questions someone might be able to advise.

1. How high can we build the wall at the front of the house without planning permission (it is on the boundary with public road and footpath) ?

- plan is to put a gate on front.
- neighbours are happy with our plans.
- we may be looking to sell house in a couple of years.

2. If we built higher than we are supposed to (without planning) could we.

a. Have problems when trying to sell house in a couple of years ?
b. Be asked to bring it down to the correct height ?

3. Had a couple of quotes and to rebuild the wall to 5 foot high and 20 feet long (plastered one side only) with one pillar. Quotes are coming in at around 1300-1600 Euro. Is that about right ?

If anyone can offer advise that we be appreciated.
Don't believe you can do this without planning, best to contact your local planning office who'll be able to confirm over the phone.
I agree I need to investigate the planning aspects of it further. (I have seen on oasis that the height of a front wall should not exceed 1.2metre )

We will be just building up an existing front wall from 2ft to either 4 or 5 feet high (to keep the rugrat in).

Assuming planning is OK (big assumption?)... how much sounds reasonable to be charged to build a block wall thats 5 foot high and 20 feet long (plastered one side only) with one 1ft square pillar in the middle ?