Builders labourers in short pants


Registered User
I have noticed for some time past a new attire for men working on building sites namely short pants like we used to wear many years ago going to school. I can appreciate why they are worn in warm weather but am puzzled as to why they are continually worn even when it is lashing rain. is it a new trend?
Tradespeople/manual workers have been wearing these in England for years. I'm sure other places too. A mate who had got into the habit of wearing these returned here after many years in England and all the Irish guys laughed at him initially.

I had always assumed it's to help keep cool and to avoid trouser legs catching on things?
you probably sweat less due to better ventilation. But on the down side all the dust and cement sticks to your legs, and you get extra scrapes from blocks etc.

I'd have thought 'elf and safety would have banned them.
lt depends what you are working at. I wear them most of the time in Summer. But if I was using a welding torch, angle grinder etc., I'd give them a miss.:D