builders and gardens


Registered User
Quick query,

we've bought a new place and are due to receive keys shortly, before we close those we want our back graden addressed. Builders had sown grass months ago but due to workmen and wheelbarrows etc trodding all over it, big bald patches all over the lawn have developed. Are we within our rights to ask them to re-sow?

I only ask because, I was told by one friend that builders are not responsible for maintenance of garden, only sowing grass in the first place
I would ask away, I would expect they are responsible for all that is within your boundry, but not the grass etc in common areas of any estate, but they are only responsible if your prepared to wait.

Its worth an ask. Personally if my house was ready just for lawn, i'd grab keys and worry about resowing myself.
usually the builders dont give a hoot. The landscaper usually gets paid a cut throat rate per metre squared. But - from experience you can get this put on your snag list -

Get a snag list done!
of course snag list has been done, and garden included... every time we go back to inspect (twice so far), garden is still not looked at....hence why I ask
zinbe said:
of course snag list has been done, and garden included... every time we go back to inspect (twice so far), garden is still not looked at....hence why I ask

Surely a matter for your solicitor to address so before closing the deal.
zinbe said:
of course snag list has been done, and garden included... every time we go back to inspect (twice so far), garden is still not looked at....hence why I ask

In theory the sale has[should] not be 'closed'. Solicitor shoould be advising you at this stage [as says sue]

They should be responsible for all the open areas for the estate for a period of three years before handover to a residents association or council.

The garden should always be put on the snag list and solicitor will guide.
request the solicitor to approach builder solicitor to deduct a reasonable amount to pay someone to re-sew your lawn, from funds to be provided at closing.

We did this with small problem on front door, (ie looked to retain the cost of replacing the door, and work was done following day)

If you close now you will have to do it yourself.

Have you tried ring the foreman, or the builder himself if you have being dealing with the foreman.
Thanks for the responses all,

we haven't closed yet, this garden thing is the stickler (builders were reluctant)....however, solicitor has weighed in and problem should now - hopefully - be resolved....thanks again