Builder still has keys after closure - advice needed


Registered User
We recently closed on property and received keys from builder. After coming back to the place over the weekend to do some cleaning we noticed that some work had been carried out relating to the gas appliances.

I'm pretty annoyed about this as the builder obviously still has asome keys. What should we do?
Asking them to hand over the keys would appear to be the simplest solution!

We normally hold onto keys for a few weeks (with the permission of the homeowner) in case any snags arise and we need to get access to the house. We can also let trades/deliveries in for the owner if they're at work.
Change the locks.

Even if you get the keys off him, you've no way of knowing who else might have a copy. Should probably be done regardless for any new/second hand purchase.
Change the locks.

Even if you get the keys off him, you've no way of knowing who else might have a copy. Should probably be done regardless for any new/second hand purchase

I would have presumed most people would change the locks upon taking occupancy of a property, new or second hand.
Molly said:
I would have presumed most people would change the locks upon taking occupancy of a property, new or second hand.

THats probably sensible although i hadn't thought of it before. Cheers