This comes down to whether you consider yourselves a car enthusiast or not.
It never makes sense to buy a road car that can achieve that speed, or cost that much, but if you are into your motors, it would make all the sense in the world.....heart over head...pride of ownership...standing out....all of the above justify buying one of these if you have the means...fair play to him whoever he is.
This comes down to whether you consider yourselves a car enthusiast or not.
It never makes sense to buy a road car that can achieve that speed, or cost that much, but if you are into your motors, it would make all the sense in the world.....heart over head...pride of ownership...standing out....all of the above justify buying one of these if you have the means...fair play to him whoever he is.
Non-car enthusiasts (I'm not sure what that is but it makes sense ) just don't get it. For the rest of us...we become dribbling messes around a nice Lambo or Aston or similarly interesting supercar.
Seriously though...I'd step over my own dead granny for a Veyron. No really
I know what you mean. While in Dubai just recently I spotted an SLR and a Gallardo just parked outside the shopping centre.....the wife thought I was out...snap...snap...just barely got away from the security guard though....fabulous machines.....
sorry for the little segway, back to the Veyron.
I think the €2million price tag reported in the paper is pushing it though, more aroudn €1.6million I would say, VRT included....but hey what a cheeky .4 of a million right ;-)
Could be...he parks in different spots in the vicinity of the Green.
It's a 04. Guy who owns the magazine place...can't remember the name of it sorry...