Budget -Dail Behaviour


Registered User
Im just watching the budget and whilst there'll be several posts here on the serious issues, does anyone watching not find the behaviour, bickering and general heckling a complete nonsense? Is it not just embaressing to have such a shambles of a government??? David Norris seems to be the most sane speaker in there at the moment.
The opposition should shut up, let them say what they have to say and then they can speak . .
FFS, the opposition should shut up, let them say what they have to say and then they can speak . .

So you find it okay that Zanu FF has decided to lock the TD’s in for the duration of the speech so that they can’t go outside and comment on what he is saying but at the same time the (left) media is having already access to the document outside the chamber?
This is an embarrassment, the government is giving info to the media before they give it to the Dail and allow the media to comment before they allow TD’s to comment.
Shameful, just another example how Zanu FF is removed from the reality.

No, how do we know FF were at fault for this . . Not saying they arent but nothings been cleared up . . .

I wanted to hear the budget . . If they had a problem with this, wait until everybody gets to hear what they are tuned into and then attack them.
Joan Burton is "talking" now... I hope nobody is being forced to listen to her!
She's not my favourite media presence, but she makes some very valid points about the relative fairness/"toughness" of the measures announced.
... but now she's saying that the jobs in SR Technics are "the cream of high-tech jobs". What a load of rubbish. Companies with employees like those jokers are like a cancer in the Irish economy. The deserve to lose their jobs, just like the people in Waterford Crystal. Overpaid and underskilled “jobs worth’s” the lot of them.
With respect, there's a big difference between guys scratching designs on imported Polish and Czech glass and the engineers and technicians who sign off on aircraft safety. The former are probably past their sell-by date in Ireland, but the latter skills need to be retained if at all possible.
I cringed when Brian Lenihan broached another "patriotic" moment. FF appealing for consensus and no party politicing is pure rubbish - like they wouldnt be having a field day it the boot was on the other foot.

In fairness to the opposition I'm confident they wont banjax the country for the sake of burying FF, but I fully expect and demand that they grill FF for sleepwalking us into the position we find ourselves in.

Even if FF are, probably, now administering the correct medicine doesnt mean we shouldnt be mad with them for helping to make us sick.

I don't think they are administering the correct medicine if of 3.8 Billion "raised" only 2 Billion are in spending cuts.

The bozo's servicing the aircraft are 20% more expensive than their Swiss counterparts. They spent years (literally) doing nothing (literally) when they were Team Aer Lingus, they thought they were entitled to a job no matter what the trading conditions were and they have been utterly inflexible for the last 10-15 years. If any business deserved to go under it was them.
As for skill levels; there are loads of jobs with higher skill levels and those people have to operate in the real world where the work you do is subject to the ability of you and your organisation to win international tenders. (Anyway, most of the bellied and bearded “members” pontificating to our public sector broadcaster at the gates of SR Technics weren’t signing off on anything more complex than their breakfast roll)

The same attitude prevailed in Waterford Crystal; just two more companies in this country destroyed by their unions and the cancerous mindset that they propagate.
You reap what you sow, good enough for them.

Whether FF would or not the point, he was right to say it. FG are still bleating about 'you spent 12 years ruining this country' instead of using the opportunity to show integrity and leadership and not Joan Burton looking like a child that wanted to win a row. I was actually disappointed with Richard Bruton on Prime Time tonight i thought he failed to make any impact and did come across as trying to play to the voters.
Whether FF would or not the point,

But surely that is the point, isn't it a bit rich to be asking for others to take the high moral ground when you wouldn't do it yourself?

There is a public service aspect to the opposition, if no-one was allowed to say boo to FF then God knows what strokes they would be prepared to pull.

Politics is primarily the business of getting re-elected and being in power, its naieve to think otherwise. Thats why it is always imperfect to have politicians making economic decisions - what economist would have further stimulated a booming economy??, giveaway budgets when we were flush was a vote getting exercise. A prudent economist might have been salting it away for a rainy day, or building schools etc. Why do we need a crisis to tackle public sector waste??, waste is waste is waste and should never be tolerated, the lack of a political imperative to tackle it is the reason it is not targeted and grows in good times.

So it's definitely gloves off time, make the government work for their money, defend their actions, wear their sack cloth and ashes.
When the camera turned to Bertie during the live broadcast I thought the bored expression on his face summed him up.
Whether FF would or not the point, he was right to say it. FG are still bleating about 'you spent 12 years ruining this country' instead of using the opportunity to show integrity and leadership

Ignoring the fact that you think the opposition should not oppose (what role do you think they should play in the Dail), what exactly would you like to see from our opposition? When they come out with concrete plans, either the media ignores them or people ignore them because it's an opposition plan and therefore, has no weight.
Brian Lenihan talked way too fast. I wished he would slow down and occasionally pause - very poor delivery.
I think it is very ignorant of the Opposition to shout during the speech. Fair enough that they disagree but there is plenty of opportunities after the speech to make your feelings known. Shouting over someone who is speaking to the country is rude.
When the camera turned to Bertie during the live broadcast I thought the bored expression on his face summed him up.

Bored? I thought he was just embarrassed! I'm sure that if they had given him a chance he would have apologised for what he did to us.