BUdget- can diesel in pumps have the 5 cent added?


Registered User
When the tax on diesel is changed and takes effect from midnight my understanding was that fuel in the pumps was charged at old price and only new deliveries incurred the increase. If that is the case then why so many garages showing the new price straightaway? And it looks as if one big seller has bumped up petrol as well.

If I am wrong then so be it.

yeah they gain the profit until they purchase new diesel.

Same with shops who have fags in stock. They only pay the increased duty on new stock.

My mate works for Irish Distillers and for the last few weeks they had containers flying left, right and centre to companies trying to get stock in beforw any increase so they could make the extra profit.
In good old usa they call it "GOUGING" the customer and it is not looked on kindly. Ironic we are in a recession and get scewed even worse than when tImes were better!!

I passed several garages on my way to and from work today and none of them have implemented the 5c increase yet! Diesel was still around the 93-95c mark which it had been before yesterday's announcement.