Budget another con job


Registered User
Isn't the whole thing just a joke. FF are just baiting the opposition with the budget. FF have no intention of tackling any cuts seriously when there is a potential election. They want us all to start fighting with each other and over political parties in order to conserve as many votes as possible.
Each and every one of them should be put out, they are only interested in lining their own pockets.

We need professionals to run this country as a business. We need the likes of Michael O'Leary (of whom I am not a big fan, but needs be) Denis O' Brien etc and the two guys that Vincent Brown had on tuesday night to try to start to dig us out of this mess.

We're bigger fools to sit down and be trampled on.
Cowen and Ahern and their chums have raped this country for their own gain, primarily political but also financial.

What do you think the likes of O'Leary and O'Brien would do ffs?

Honest to god!
At this stage I'd be more than willing to take a gamble!
My point of view would be that FF etc should be elected to local areas where they can oversee the distribution of local taxes but no way should an elected person be allowed to control an organisation as powerful as a country with no training nor qualification to do so. we need professionals in charge, who they would be.

Just my opinion
I must say that I was impressed by Paul Sommerville on the Vincent Browne programme. But Dennis O'Brien?

Isn't this the same guy who made a mint out of Telecom/Eircell etc. Then he became a tax exile in Portugal and later Malta. Does he still do the odd charity gig for the poor citizenry back in Ireland who find it hard to cope with our under-funded health and social services? Aren't we lucky to have him.

Sure where would we be without the likes of him and J.P. McManus?
Interesting article in the Examiner.
John Gormley says that EU/IMF demanded the cut in the minimum wage.
The blame game is starting.

[broken link removed]
I really hate to say this..and its not aimed at anyone..but I did say this would happen.
It was only a matter of time.
Those in power at the moment will be out soon and having caused such havoc will walk away,saying they did what they could and now its someone else pulling the strings,here is one example there are others..

Yesterday, 08:48 PM
Frequent Poster

Posts: 405

I've said it before and Ill say it again,the only reason the present government are "saying" the Croke park agreement wont be touched is to keep the PS on their side.They can then go to an election saying,lads we did what we could..
This will not last, the IMF will sort it out..
Or maybe it's because TDs and senators are set to escape pay cuts to their salaries in the forthcoming Budget because of the Croke Park Agreement
Cowen and Ahern and their chums have raped this country for their own gain, primarily political but also financial.

It looks like 21% of the electorate in Donegal SW don't think so!

God almighty, what hope is there when 1 in 5 people in DSW think the FFers are doing a good job:mad:
I really hate to say this..and its not aimed at anyone..but I did say this would happen.
It was only a matter of time.
Those in power at the moment will be out soon and having caused such havoc will walk away,saying they did what they could and now its someone else pulling the strings,here is one example there are others..

Yesterday, 08:48 PM
Frequent Poster

Posts: 405

I've said it before and Ill say it again,the only reason the present government are "saying" the Croke park agreement wont be touched is to keep the PS on their side.They can then go to an election saying,lads we did what we could..
This will not last, the IMF will sort it out..

That premise seems to be contradicted by Mr. Gormley's comment that the IMF sought a reduction in the minimum wage.

This comment surely proves that the IMF have approved the 4 year plan and forthcoming budget which plan and budget do not contain any reference to breaking the Croke Park agreement , as such it appears true to say that the IMF believe the CP deal is workable.

Given the level of pain to be suffered by all sectors the IMF seem to feel that PS pay is not a factor as net pay for anyone lucky enough to be working is going to plummet.
I must say that I was impressed by Paul Sommerville on the Vincent Browne programme. But Dennis O'Brien?

Isn't this the same guy who made a mint out of Telecom/Eircell etc. Then he became a tax exile in Portugal and later Malta. Does he still do the odd charity gig for the poor citizenry back in Ireland who find it hard to cope with our under-funded health and social services? Aren't we lucky to have him.

Sure where would we be without the likes of him and J.P. McManus?


People who don't pay taxes are like people who don't vote.
No need to listen to them.
Watching Vinny Browne, what this country needs is :

  • A bookie who cant add (P Sommerville)
  • An Economist who cant add (Associate Pofessor Lucey) and
  • A Barrister who cant add (Vinny)
But sure whats €200bn here or there? Earlier in the week these clever clogs calculated (!) that our total borrowings would be €350bn to €400bn.
Then Colm McCarthy pointed out on Primetime that they had double counted. Ahhh... sure thats ok then. No problem.....

Yes, just the sort of guys we need running the country.