BTWEA for a couple?


Registered User
Hi there,

I have a question about back to work enterprise allowance for a couple? Me & my girlfriend are both on JA. I'm on it for 17 months now (I was made redundant) and my girlfriend is on it for 11 months now.

My question here is whether it is possible for both of us to apply for BTWEA for two separate businesses (one each ) Or can we both apply for BTWEA to set up one business and each of us to receive BTWEA since we both would be involved in this business?

Hope haven't confused you much.

Thanks for your help!
If you and your girlfriend have separate claims and both meet the qualifying criteria (11 months on JA by itself will not establish an entitlement, although she would reach the criteria when she gets to 12 months on it), then you can both claim BTWEA.

The way BTWEA is paid is that it is paid at the rate of your previous payment (and then 75% of the rate in year 2), so you will not receive any extra money by both claiming.
We are both on the separate claims and declared cohabiting with SW. So each of us get paid the max rate available for a couple divided in half (€156.40 x 2)

Can we both claim BTWEA on the same business as both of us would be involved in it?
And if not, can I still put my girlfriend as a director of the company which I will be setting up under BTWEA while she's still on her JA (since two directors are required)?
There's nothing in the rules to preclude what you're saying. As long as your girlfriend has the requisite 12 months on JA then that should be fine.

If she isn't making the BTWEA application hereself, then it could cause difficulties if she continued on her JA claim and became a company director, as the Department
would be questioning whether she was in fact available for and seeking work.

The other way to go about it if she doesn't meet the requirements of the scheme would be for her to go onto your claim as a qualified adult, and for her to continue to sign on for credits.

However, I don't see why you both wouldn't be able to make an application for BTWEA. The only potential issue that I could forsee would be the requirement for the businesss to be a new one, but if you were both simultaneously setting up the business, then that shouldn't be a problem. It might not be a bad idea however just to give the enterprise officer in your local office a call, or perhaps contact someone like the Irish National Organisation on the Unemployed to run it by them.
Thanks Ildanach, it all makes sense now! I'll give them a call anyway and will let you know the outcome
Another question just popped up in my head. If I claim BTWEA and my partner remains on JA, wouldn't any income from my business reduce her payment amount since JA is means tested?
And if I go ahead with setting up limited company how would SW know my income from business if I for example don't pay wages for myself and keep profits, if any, in the company?
If she stays on JA, then yes, any additional income that you bring in will be assessed in the normal way. However, your BTWEA would not be assessed as income in respect of her claim.

It would seem to make much more sense for you to both go on the BTWEA (either separately or as one joint claim).