BTEA/Maintenance grant/SW questions


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I'm hoping to do a PLC course as a mature student in Bray next year.

I have just finished up on a fixed term employment contract and signed on for SW in Limerick where I am currently living.

I will probably move to somewhere within commuting distance to the college early next year so that the Maintenance Grant application will be easier (not sure how it would work if I was applying for the grant if I didn't know where I'd be living at the time of the course yet)

When moving home, do you have to make a new claim for SW or can your details be transfered?

To qualify for the BTEA I have to be claiming either Jobseekers Allowance or Benefit for at least 6 months. I plan on looking for work that will allow me to be on Jobseekers benifit.
Can you turn down full time positions and not get cut off the Jobseekers Allowance on the grounds that it would mean you couln't claim BTEA when you go back? (i.e. do they give some leeway to people who plan to return to education, as if you were not doing so, you would be cut off if you couldn't prove you were seeking work)

Thanks for your help

The short answer is no. You cannot claim to be available for full-time work and turn down work, even part-time positions. I'm afraid they would not take too kindly to anyone manipulating the system in order to qualify for BTEA!
I hadn't considered it abusing the system. I'm willing to work part time and keep the Jobseekers Allowance. I'm not trying to dodge work, I just couln't afford to go back to education without the BTEA.
In order to be entitled to JA you must be seeking and available for full-time work. Dem's the rules!
hi i am new to this so hopefully i will make myself clear. I have already attended college 10 years ago and the course i studied was a diploma in accounting and i have been working since. i have now been laid off and seeking jb. i am applying for jobs and having no luck. i am considering returning to college to get a degree in nursing if i cant find a job and wondering am i entitled to BETA. From reading about it it says you are entitled to it if it is seen as progression?? this is confusing me. Would going from a diploma to degree be seen as this or does it have to be the same course. there is no point in me applying for college if i don't receive this as couldnt afford it otherwise. any help would be great thanks