BT Telephone


Registered User
I bought a (double) BT phone last weekend and it doesn't seem to be working - it is fully charged but there is no dialling tone. Do I need to get a special attachment for the phone in order for it to work.
Yes you do and its not the ordinary cable converter one.I'll see if I have my one at home and then let you know what it is called. My phone at home is a BT one but I think I bought it from Argos and they give you the converter.
Do I need to get a special attachment?
Ehm, what way is it attached to your phone socket at the moment? If the phone came with a UK jack you'll either need a converter as mentioned (Argos always hand them out free with British phones) - or couldn't you just use the cord from your old phone? (presuming you had one...)
If you use the connection from your old phone it will not ring,

BT systems need a capacitor, this is normally in the BT-Irish adapter but sometimes the actual phone could have been modified internally to include this capacitor...