Brown bread battle in high court


Registered User
I saw on RTE news that 2 large bakeries are in high court with one bakery claiming the other one is mimicking its packaging. I cant find any pics to put up here, but RTE showed the 2 products, they were similar in size etc and brown bread looks pretty much the same, a similar type of packaging, but a consumer would want to be pretty stupid to confuse the two. One is clear plastic with a green colour and bakery name. The other one is clear with a highly visual yellow colour with bakery's name and the yellow one is typical colour of a leading bakery. I think its funny that anyone could claim confusion between the two products!

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Thought that alright when I saw the two packages on the news this evening. I buy one of them and wonder is there much price difference between the two?
Maybe McCambridge are doing it as a publicity stunt, If they are its working. They could not buy that advertising, No such thing as bad publicity.
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Maybe McCambridge are doing it as a publicity stunt, If they are its working. They could not buy that advertising, No such thing as bad publicity.

That was my thinking too. McCambridge get the publicity and put the perception out there that their product is superior.
Thats the way it was percieved in work last night anyway, It now appears McCambridge is the rolls royce of bread.
well when I first saw the "other" brown bread packaging I thought it looked very very similar to mccambridges, so I'm not surprised they've taken the case.

the mccambridges tastes better in my opinion.