Broomfield Village, Midleton


Registered User
Anyone living (or buying) in Broomfield Village Midleton? My partner and I recently bought there and are due to move in soon.
In particular, how are the managment companies to deal with there? Anyone know if there are any plans to open the exit/entrancec onto the estaes leading to the mill road?
What is traffic like out of there in the morning, especially as you pass midleton college headin out onto midleton main street!
Any info would be gratefully appreciated!
not from broomfield itself, but from midleton and know people living there... for insurance reasons the enterance onto the mill rd will only open when the whole scheme is finished, and that wont be any day soon...because of this the traffic is very heavy at peak times at midleton college, but the council are trying to rectify it by stopping the residents near the college from parking outside there houses !!! the estate itself seems to be well maintained, but with more and more apartments and duplexes being added, this will in my view will lead to more rentals and all that that entails.
Cheers Bor,
The traffic situation at midleton college is one of our main worries, but I doubt that it is fair that the residents should not be allowed park outside there homes on that narrow stretch.
It seems difficult also to get onto Midleton main street from that road, and it seems a set of traffic lights would not go astray at that junction.
I have heard also since initially poswting this that the entrance to the Mill Rd. is not linked to the McInerney Development but to the Crowley Homes development nearby. This is much nearer completion but I don't know how true it is.
Does anyone know what is currently available in this development? Are they still building new houses? I am interested in moving to the area and have looked at several developments incl. Castle Rock and Maple Woods but could not find any info on Broomfield. Any info on house plans etc would be welcome.
If you go to the McInerney Website you can get more infor on what is available. Also try or Irish and European (these are the autioneers for it).
My partner purchased an aprtment there recently where we now live, and apart from the usual teething problems with new apartments we are very happy there. There is about 2 more years of building to continue in the development and at the moment they have are concentrating on apartments and duplexes. There are Semi-d's and detached due to be built also. Anyway, those sites should help you out.
I'm happy here anyway so would recommend the place!
Thanks. I rang the agent and there will be a new batch of 4 bed semis on the market soon. I will keep an eye out for them.