Broadband without the Eircom Account



I currently have an Eircom landline and broadband account.
Is it possible to switch to another landline supplier and still keep my broadband account?

I have heard rumour of people who have EsatBT broadband and then cancelling their landline account with Eircom, whilst still being able to use their broadband. Could anyone shed any light on this?

As I use a mobile (or Skype) for most of my telephony, I want to rid myself of paying for a landline.
I might add that I am not in an area where wireless broaband is an option.
I have witnessed the latter firsthand. And the former I would suggest ringing-up eircom, bearing in mind that all conversations should be annotated with names, times, contact numbers, and supervisors' names (if I know eircom at all).
I think EsatBT's business-grade DSL service allows you to have the line provisioned for data only and you pay a reduced line rental of sorts to them. That's probably what you're referring to.

If you tell us where you are someone here might recommend alternatives to fixed line broadband.