Broadband provider not delivering what was promised



I run a web services business and obviously need broadband to work. There's no DSL or wireless in my area so I took out a satellite broadband service. Their FUP (fair usage policy) was a bit woolly so asked some very direct questions and was totally misinformed about the package on offer. I have phoned, emailed, even sent registered letters to the company but they are stone-walling me. Not quite sure what to do next - talk to a solicitor, Director of Consumers Affairs, what?
I don't think that the ODCA will deal with business to business issues. Is there no other service provider in your area that you can just switch to? What exactly is the problem with the current service and how exactly were you allegedly mislead?
The problem is that their sales representative made assurances that their FUP only applied during business hours when that is not the case. I do heavy duty file transfers (and told them so) and now instead of the unmetered offpeak service I was promised, my quota is burned in no time and I can't work!

The reason I haven't managed to switch to another provider is I simply cannot get any response from these people re: cancelling the service. Nothing, no call backs, no response to letters. Just wanted to know how others have dealt with companies stone-walling them and refusing to engage.
Surely the terms & conditions of the service agreement makes it clear what sort of usage caps/charges applied? If you can't get a response from the current service provider then - IF they are clearly in breach of contract - just send them a final notice, stop paying and switch to another provider and let the original service provider worry about collecting the equipment etc. We had to do this with Irish Broadband and they still haven't collected their gear.
Surely the terms & conditions of the service agreement makes it clear what sort of usage caps/charges applied?

That was the problem. The T&C and FUP were vague and we had to seek clarification. The clarification was totally wrong (thankfully got it in writing!) but whether this was done intentionally to get the sale or just out of lack of training on the part of the sales staff I don't know.

I have sent a final notice and halted payments already - not a dickybird from the providers and service is still on. Very strange. Anyway, just want others to be careful over FUPs and if there is any ambiguity, get it in writing!!
I have had cause recently to contact COMREG in relation to my broadband service at home.
What I have discovered is that the Broadband communication network in Ireland is not regulated. According to COMREG, if i have a difficulty with my service, or service is not provided neither they nor any other body can compel them to provide it to me. All that my provider can do is to refund me for my charges.
I'm not sure if this is any help to you but might shed some light on legal recourse.
Thanks Mo3art, good to know. Saves me a call to COMREG anyway...