Broadband problem



Was happily sending an email yesterday when the connection failed. It says that a Network Cable is unplugged. Nothing I do makes a difference. Everything is connected up fine . I had been using it all day when suddenl it went off. Any ideas what may have happened or what I can do. My computer and internet knowledge is fairly limited. Can you them well but no idea about the working, so keep it simple!!!

Thanks folks.
How do you connect your broadband modem to you PC/laptop?
How old is your computer?

In our office, we have an old laptop that we give to the 'new guy'. The network port/socket on the laptop is a bit loose and the slightest knock can cause the same problem. Fiddling with the cable solves the problem!

BTW, we're not that cruel - we tell him about it!

Got it sorted. Rang customer care and they talked him through it. No idea what it was though.