Broadband OPtions for Dundrum?



Hi there..anyone in Dundrum (298XXXX phone no.) succesfully got broadband (not wireless)? Don't seem to have DSL here which is ridiculkous..trying to get it for about a year now. Do ALL providers (apart from NTL and wireless) lease lines from Eircom?
Thanks for any help!!!
Do ALL providers (apart from NTL and wireless) lease lines from Eircom?

Apart from non landline based broadband options (wireless, cable, satellite etc.) most telcos probably still use eircom lines/exchange equipment but this is changing (e.g. I know that esat BT have their own lines/exchange equipment in some cases, at least for business symmetric SDSL packages). One way or another, right now you will still have to pay line rental to somebody - eircom or another telco if/when they get the line "unbundled" - at a rate of c. €25 p.m.