Broadband Mast



I live on a hill in the midlands and have been asked by a company if I would erect a broadband mast on my site, which would provide broadband for the surrounding area. In return they would provide me with free broadband. Is this a good deal? Is there anything in particular I would need to consider?
You should get professional advice on this to establish what granting such access is worth. Just getting free broadband sounds like a cheap price for them to pay in my (inexpert) opinion.
Free broadband is a very cheap price.
You will need to have a very strick contract drawn up with them regarding access, the period of time involved, what happens if they need to extend, upgrade.

Considering you have get broadband from as little as 7.50 a month, their offer seems rubbish

I know my uncle hosts a mobile phone mast on his hill in Cork, now he get something like 3k per annum, and both he and his wife have free mobile calls etc.
Bear in mind that mobile phone companies will probably pay a lot more for their masts than a wireless broadband company would.

See if you can benchmark a similar situation (for broadband) elsewhere, and see what the rate might be.

Also, some more information that might be worth considering:
- are they new/fledgling? (if they are, they may not have much cash)
- are there alternative sites nearby which they could use?
- has anyone else in the region been approached?
I presume an accountant might be able to advise on this issue - e.g. in terms of ascertaining a fair price for such access etc.?
Also bear in mind the reaction from your neighbours. Although people generally want access to broadband, they do not want a mast in their location. The provider would have to obtain PP and you could be villified in your own neighbourhood. Thread gently and weigh up all aspects. Do you have children ? They could end up being bullied in school etc


I know a local BB operator in Cork, and generally he offers his landowners similar terms. Local wireless BB operators generally tend not to have the same returns and/or cash as the mobile operators, so to use them as a comparison would not be fair.

With regards the mast itself, you are probably talking about a small timber pole, with an omi antenna and a point to point link on it that looks more like a satteilite dish, very un-noticeable, and certainly not what most people would consider a mast, but you should check with him to be sure.

In areas where you cant get traditional wired BB, particularly rural areas, wireless would be around the 40 euro pm mark, so that is more of a comparison than 7.5 a month. If you are interested in getting BB, then there is a benefit to you, if you are not, then obvously its no good to you whatsoever. You could ensure that you get the highest availalbe package off of him/her, which would be better for you and make it more worthwhile for you too.

Other points already raised are very valid however, you want to make sure from a legal perspective you are covered, insurance wise, rights of ways, etc.
The only other thing to keep in mind is that they will require access for maintenance etc. Which depending on location of the mast may not interfere with you or may be a serious pain, particularly if you have a farm, they have to drive your garden etc
And ask an estate agent whether it might affect the value of your property. To be honest, that's the thing I'd be concerned with most........