Broadband Costs


Registered User
As I have broadband always on,it should cost X € per month, In addition I pay for internet connection each time I disable, Family protection, router,call baring,Phone rental, Phone line charge,and all calls, Thought I was getting a great deal originally didn't know of all the extras Stupid I know but be aware its not just X€ per month
try UTV for your BB and calls.for 30E per month you get BB pluslocal and national calls after 6,the weekend and on Bhols are free!!!!
What service are you talking about when you say "broadband" ?

Most broadband services have a fixed monthly charge and no more - although some charge a surcharge if you exceed a monthly limit on downloads.
With UTV you still need to pay line rental of €24 each month as well as the broadband costs.
Todays Irish Examiner has a 2 page article on the available Broadband options
I'm with Imagine always on at 19.99 per month as you can see here it looks good, but last bill was 165 for broadband and dial up no charge for downloads as I didnt pass limit Plus line rental and equitment and phone calls. Seemely every time I put computer on stand by or close it down I have to reconnect at a cost of €38 extra last month.
If I understand you correctly, then you're continuing to use dial-up, even after you have signed up for broadband. It is possible to use both at the same time - and it's a handy back-up for when your bb goes down - but it's pointless to use dial-up when your bb is working! If this is the case, then you ought to re-configure your computer to stop connecting using the dial-up, and only use the broadband connection for internet access.
Computer is set up never to dial up conection but is connected to a router and when I start computer I have to enable LAN connection.You could be right probably something to do with the way computer shuts down,
I don't know the details of your set-up, but perhaps it would be good to delete any dial-up profiles from your Connections folder? (assuming you're on a PC) That way you can be sure that the computer is not going to be able to accidentally dial-up...