Brittas Bay beach litter


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I had a great day in Brittas Bay with the family, it really is a lovey sandy beach and the water was quite warm when you dived in .But leaving the beach with all my belonging's including my rubbish every last item. I could not believe what some people left behind,left over sandwich's,can's of minerals, beer, nappy's. I was really annoyed and thought that us Irish had got better at cleaning up after ourselves ,yes the people who left their rubbish where indeed like me Irish. I have been away many times abroad and can honestly say I have never seen such litter on foreign beach's. Why do some people believe they should not clean up after themselves.
I live near Donabate beach in Dublin. One of only 4 blue flag beaches left in the capital. The state of it after the weekend was an absolute disgrace. Annoys me so much that these scumbags are allowed to ruin it for everyone else.
yes there are many scumbags leaving litter however there are probably just as many non-scumbags leaving trash after them on a picnic day.
In Portugal there are bins every few yards of the beach and it works.the place is spotless.
yes there are many scumbags leaving litter however there are probably just as many non-scumbags leaving trash after them on a picnic day.
In Portugal there are bins every few yards of the beach and it works.the place is spotless.

I use the term 'scumbag' to refer to anyone that leaves rubbish behind them and not dispose of it properly. I am convinced there is a different mentality in this country compared to other countries when it comes to litter. We just don't seem to have any pride in our environment. The amount of dirty nappies thrown into bushes is just amazing.
I think the only answer is education of the new generations, public campaigns by role models who young people might look up to and the constant subliminal message that littering is unacceptable.

The years of religious brainwashing I endured in school (2 hours of standing to hymns at lunchtime followed by 2 hours of Irish. Thankfully this ended after primary school) could have been easily put to a much better use by instead brainwashing my class to be tidy instead.
Our educational system needs to be reformed. The only way is to try and engineer a situation where someone thinks twice before making a decision about littering. I know I'd think twice before entering a church in future.
sign i think brainwashing is an awful idea!! replacing one load of X with another.

I think if folks leaving litter after them were fined or maybe made do community service in full view of their friends etc that they might cop on, there is nothing like a hole in the pocket, or the neighbours talking to focus the mind.
Educating children is already happening however the primary education one gets is from the parents and if they leave loads of rubbish behind them children learn what they see.
Littering is not just confined to "scum bags"; while visiting a beach recently with my family we witnessed a very respectable family group who allowed their two dogs off the leash to foul the beach and saw no problem with it.
Littering is not just confined to "scum bags"; while visiting a beach recently with my family we witnessed a very respectable family group who allowed their two dogs off the leash to foul the beach and saw no problem with it.

Again, I use the term scumbag to refer to ANYONE who litters like that. I don't care how respectable they look. What has how anyone looks got to do with anything anyway? Behaviour dictates what you are, not appearance.
Littering is not just confined to "scum bags"; while visiting a beach recently with my family we witnessed a very respectable family group who allowed their two dogs off the leash to foul the beach and saw no problem with it.

I think it is important to 'call' this behaviour, i.e. speak directly to the persons concerned (not in an aggressive manner) making it clear that this behaviour is not acceptable, that they are putting the health of other children at risk and that you are taking down their car reg number for reporting to the local litter warden.

We need to make sure that it is not socially acceptable.
It really shocks me when I see somebody throw litter out of their car window. They don't even realise they're doing it. Not acceptable.
Does anybody else make rude comments at smokers who just drop their butts in the street? Those poor, delicate fingers that are incapable of holding onto it for the extra 10m until they walk past a bin. Even better are those poor sould who are incapable of taking two steps to the bin before going back into the office, shop, etc. Do they not consider dropping cigarette butts as littering?
I once saw a woman dispose of a used nappy under a display bed in clearys department store. I lowered my expectations of people with regard to littering after that.
It really shocks me when I see somebody throw litter out of their car window. They don't even realise they're doing it. Not acceptable.
If this happened at traffic lights, my brother used to jump out, pick up their butt and toss it back in their window. I'm not recommending this approach, but I guess it may have got the point across.