Bringing toddler & baby to USA?


Registered User
I am considring flying to NY in late October for a week with my partner and our 2 kids who will be 3 and 1 by Oct.

I am fearful that it could be a nightmare if we upset the sleeping pattern of the 2 kids, who, it must be said, are good kids who sleep well and don't cry too much (at least when compared to my neighbours' kids ).

Has anyone else brought kids of a similar aged to USA and what happened. Were they awake at the wrong times or did they just adapt?
we brought our 5 month old son at the time to NY for 2 weeks and he adpated very well to the change, I was very surprised how quick he actually took to it.
Hillsalt, we're going to NYC on July 12th with our 15 month old boy. He's fairly well behaved too, but I'm dreading it. He won't sit still for 6 minutes, nevermind 6 hours.

We went last year when he was 3 months old and it was a joy, he slept for half the journey and just looked around for the remainder. Toddlers are another matter.

I've had suggestions to buy small, cheap toys as distractions, and loosely wrap them to prolong the distraction. But, I'm expecting a nightmare, anything else will be upside!
The flight is not my concern.

Perhaps I should've worded my original post better; I am worried about being in NY hotel room at 1am with kids who are still on Irish time when I'd rather be asleep.
We went to Utah when our son was 12 months old. It was a bit crazy. His routine was totally wrecked but then we were out and about all the time . We found that we all just woke up really early in the mornings. Remember you'll be on Irish time too.
It took about 2 weeks for him to get back to normal when we got back. I think there was an 8hr time difference .
It's a nightmare, takes the kids much longer to adjust. I wouldn't do it again, to be honest (not that I'll have to, the kids are much older now).

Works great when you get home though, and they sleep till noon!
Brother comes over yearly from East coast US and he tries to stay on US time while here. Roughly.
Mmmm, think the children sort of put a dampener on the attractiveness of that idea!
It's a nightmare, takes the kids much longer to adjust. I wouldn't do it again, to be honest (not that I'll have to, the kids are much older now).

Works great when you get home though, and they sleep till noon!

Thanks folks. You have just made up my mind for me. We are not going to USA. We will go to Spain or Portugal and lap up the sunshine.