Bringing laptop as carryon with Ryanair

Accordinf to the Ryanair site

"Checked in baggage - 15kg per person a baggage fee applies for each item of checked baggage" ....

"The maximum size of cabin hand baggage cannot exceed 55 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm (20 x 14 x 9ins)."... No mention of weight


Should not be a problem flying into Stanstead but UK airport security will not let you do this on any flight departing the UK. (Though I heard the airlines were lobbying to have this relaxed for Business class passengers at LHR.)

Ryanair hand carry limit is 10kg. Stated on the website and also on the email confirmation.
Here it says carry-on hand baggage has a 10kg limit.
[broken link removed]
With many travel suitcases weighing in at 3kg it doesn't leave alot over!
Women passengers are allowed a handbag in addition to their carry-on bag, and I've seen handbags that would dwarf my laptop in both size and weight.

But maybe pansyflower is already carrying a handbag in addition to his/her laptop?

i went to england last week and was told only one bag had to put my handbag in my carry on bag
As I saw in Dublin yesterday, there's a big sign at Ryanaior checkin saying that laptop [or other such item] may be carried in addition to carryon bag. I didn't think of asking them how this affected the 10kg weight limit for carryon.
As I saw in Dublin yesterday, there's a big sign at Ryanaior checkin saying that laptop [or other such item] may be carried in addition to carryon bag. I didn't think of asking them how this affected the 10kg weight limit for carryon.

Yes this may be true ex-Dublin .. but you will not be allowed 2 items of hand luggage departing UK airports
We left Stanstead on Wed 4th and one of the party was carrying a laptop and a small handbag. Unchallenged.
OK, came into Stanstead early so went up to checkin staff member just going off duty. She said that a laptop may be carried separately.
Hmmmm. So later when checking in I was told by a different staff member that only one bag is allowed. Right. I withdrew to repack. My laptop and its bag [separately] my dslr, external drive, 2 bags for 2 lenses, and my bunbag were all crammed into my backpack. Into my jacket pockets I put the 2 lenses, and I carried my rainjacket over one arm. They weighed the backpack at security, at the point where they check the boarding passes - 9.8kg. That was close! The jacket with its lens cargo clinked a littlet when I put it into the tray for the xray machine but there was no comment.
And that was that. I withdrew to repack again.
I am glad that the security is so tight, don't get me wrong. But such a performance!!
There is a separate weighing machine at Dublin airport so you can check the weights before you check in - that's if you don't have a scales at home. Otherwise do it at a free check in desk. 15.9 kilo for checked in and 10.9 kilo for handluggage are the allowances. This seems to be the limit before they will charge you extra. We were just tipping the 16 last week and took out one trousers and hit 15.9 which was fine by the check in desk. I brought my handbag and a baby bag and nothing was asked about this but maybe they didn't notice as were were a party of 5 plus buggy. If you think there will be a problem, make sure your hand carrying bag is big enough to put your handbag into etc.
15.9 kilo for checked in and 10.9 kilo for handluggage are the allowances. This seems to be the limit before they will charge you extra.
[broken link removed] it's 15KG and 10KG although it's not clear if the extra charges only kick in at 16/11KG?